Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bullied about bullying?

So, I've been accused of being a bully. Which is interesting if only because I've never been accused of it before. That and the accuser only has one instance that she claims I bullied someone. I posted a contrary opinion to someone and said that I didn't see where she was coming from in an accusation she made. This apparently is bullying. Funnily though, the accuser then proceeded to not only bully me, but tried to defend their own bullying behaviour as just fair play because I had allegedly chased a bunch of people away with my meanness.

It's important to note here that I've been called one of the nicest posters on that site. Ironic, eh?

Well, unfortunately I let this person get to me for a bit. Then I got mad, then I just decided she wasn't worth it. She's obviously full of hate and isn't interested in people at all. Funny since she's supposedly a nurse. I wouldn't want her as one of mine, that's for sure.

Seriously though, are we in high school? Do I have to agree with someone 100% of the time to be seen as okay or nice or good? If so, screw you. Indeed, screw you. Grow the heck up. How freaking boring to always agree with everyone.

I am a nice person. If you have issues with me, pm me. Don't run away, tell a bunch of other people then expect me to be psychic and somehow know that I said something that upset you. How childish! I can't deal with things I don't know about. Grow up, get a backbone and tell me how I offended and personally ripped you apart with a statement you didn't agree with. Don't run to your friends to have them do it for you.

What this comes down to, I don't need the kind of negativity that this person brought to my life. She's mean, she's cruel and she thinks that she's all that and a bag of chips. Well, she's now on ignore and I don't need to know what she saying because if she IS saying anything, it isn't worth reading.